New Story: THE ANDROGYNE in Splatterpunk’s Not Dead Anthology


My first anthology publication is now available. SPLATTERPUNK’S NOT DEAD, the first paperback collection published by Splatterpunk Zine, is a gorgeous volume filled with some of the best horror writers in the field. Included in its pages are original works by Shane McKenzie, Adam Cesare, Robert Essig, Nat Robinson, Jeff Strand, Mike Dickinson, Paul Shrimpton, and with an introduction by Deadite Press founder, Jeff Burk. The amazing cover art was done by Dan Henk. Needless to say, I’m very honoured to share their company.

My contribution is a body horror, breakup story called THE ANDROGYNE. I wrote it as an assignment for one of John Skipp’s classes on LitReactor. I’d been sitting on the idea for years, having first thought of it during the terminal period of one of my longterm relationships. But it was a little too close to home, so I shied away from it until I had to come up with something for Skipp’s class. It was one of those rare stories that poured out of me with little effort. I won’t be cheesy and say it was a cathartic experience, but it did prove I could write what I knew while still telling a story that’s totally bonkers and fucked up. You can pick up a copy by visiting the links below!

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